How much money will it cost?

This varies depending on the type of service(s) and the goal(s) you have for your health. There are several financial options at Denver Central Chiropractic. We offer individual or family care plans (including your pets) which typically is the best value for for achieving your health goals. Or patients can opt to pay per visit.

We accept cash/debit cards, checks, and all major credit cards. If you have a pre-tax Flexible Spending Account or a Health Savings Account offered by your employer the balance in this account can usually be allocated for health related services and products, including chiropractic services. We are happy to provide you with a receipt for reimbursement. Please verify reimbursement details with your employer.

We do not bill directly to health insurance companies but we will provide you with the necessary paperwork so that you may get reimbursed. If you have ‘out of network’ benefits we provide statements for you to submit for insurance reimbursements.

Is there a difference between animal and human chiropractic?

Adjusting an animal is somewhat similar to adjusting a human in that once Dr. Erin finds an area in the spine that has decreased motion she applies a gentle thrust to restore normal movement. Where things differ significantly is the anatomy and biomechanics of an animal compared to a human. This is why it is important to only trust a licensed animal chiropractor to adjust your pet. Make sure your animal chiropractor:

  1. Is a Doctor of Chiropractic or a Veterinarian

  2. Successfully completed one of the three recognized animal chiropractic schools: Options for Animals, Healing Oasis, or Parker Chiropractic College.

  3. Is certified by the IVCA (International Veterinary Chiropractic Association) or the AVCA (American Veterinary Chiropractic Association). Dr. Erin is one of a handful of licensed animal chiropractors in the Denver metro area. She is a Doctor of Chiropractic who successfully completed the animal chiropractic program at Options for Animals and is certified with the IVCA.

What can your dog expect from the first chiropractic visit?

nitially, a complete chiropractic examination is performed, including posture and gait analysis, checking spinal motion, muscle palpation, and looking for any changes in temperature over the spine. Then Dr. Erin will gently adjust the affected areas of the spine and return the joints to normal motion.

In general, your pet will have greater mobility, less pain, be more alert and better able to function after their adjustment. In some cases your pet may be sore the next day, especially if the condition is chronic and it’s their first adjustment.

The first visit may take up to an hour. Some pets are much more relaxed than others and can be adjusted easily, whereas others may take more time to get situated. Keep in mind Dr. Erin only adjusts your animal in their comfort zone. That way they only ever walk away with a good experience. Once an animal makes the connection that getting adjusted makes them feel better and that the treatment is painless they tend to relax, and subsequent visits don’t usually take more than 15 minutes.

How can I tell if my dog needs a chiropractor?

One of the most common questions we get asked is 'Why would my dog need to see the chiropractor?' The following are the top reasons your dog needs a chiropractor.

1) Musculoskeletal Conditions

  • Degenerative Joint Disease (arthritis, osteoarthritis)

  • Disc Herniation

  • Hip Dysplasia

  • Joint Dysfunction

  • Lameness or Changes in Gait

  • Muscle Spasms

  • Neck, Back and Extremity Pain

  • Pain When Being Touched, Pet or Lifted

2) Neurological Conditions

  • Ataxia (“drunken sailors gait”)

  • Paralysis

  • Paresthesia

  • Seizures

3) Senior Dogs

  • Changes in Gait

  • Degenerative Arthritis

  • Difficulty Climbing Stairs or Jumping

  • Difficulty Standing Up From A Lying Position

  • Reluctance or Difficulty Lying Down From A Standing Position

4) Performance Dogs

  • Changes in Performance

  • Difficulty Going Through Weave Polls

  • Hesitating or Refusal of Jumps

  • Knocking Down Jumps

  • Lack of Coordination

5) Wellness

  • Maintenance of Joint and Spinal Health

Your dog can benefit from an adjustment whether they are showing symptoms or not. Waiting until your pet is in pain or can no longer walk as a result of certain musculoskeletal conditions is much more difficult to manage and no one wants to see their dog suffer. Schedule your free consultation so we can talk more in depth about your specific healthcare needs 720.350.4353.